In a thrilling finale to the 7-Aside Artisan Football competition, Crosser FC, representing Idere, emerged victorious over Salon FC from Igboora, securing the coveted Unity Cup...
In a significant development, Mr. Adelowo Adegbenjo who was reported abducted yesterday, has been released from captivity. The news of his release comes after a harrowing...
In a distressing turn of events, Mr Adelowo Adegbenjo, a prominent son of Idere town, in Ibarapa Central Local Government Area of Oyo State, has been...
The vibrant atmosphere of sportsmanship filled the air as the second edition of the 7-Aside Artisan Football Competition commenced in the heart of Ibarapa Central Local...
In a remarkable display of gratitude and solidarity, Chief Sunday Adeyemo, affectionately known as Sunday Igboho, celebrated the burial of his beloved mother amidst a jubilant...
In times of economic distress, particularly when it directly impacts the most vulnerable in society, it becomes imperative to question the state of affairs and demand...
The leadership of Idere Descendants’ Vanguard has, on behalf of entire indigenes of Idere land, commiserated with Akorede family and the populace of Ayete community over...
The Idere Descendants’ Vanguard has described the foremost philanthropist and political heavyweight, Dr. Olusola Ayandele as the pride of Idere community on the occasion of his...
Having displayed great academic prowess, born out of dedication, self-subsistence and doggedness, Yekeen Fathiu has been awarded the DAF Foundation scholarship to the admiration of the...
In a heartfelt expression of condolence, Hon. (Dr.) Anthony Adebayo Adepoju, representing Ibarapa Central and Ibarapa North Federal Constituency, mourns the untimely demise of Mr. Kamorudeen...
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